I was surprised to wake up this morning in a such a somber mood. Other than being really busy lately, I have been in the cheerful mood and incredibly positive! But today there was just something a little off. After doing a handful of expense reports and staring at an agenda I realized that as of today it has been 15 years... 15 years since my best friend passed away. I can still remember the last conversation I ever had with him. He called me, thinking I could help him. That if he could just have me around him I could fix his problems. "I do not see my future"..... and that was it. I made plans to go see him that following weekend but midway through the week I awoke to my sobbing and frantic mother trying to lift out of the bed to look at the tv. Two mangled cars, sobbing students, and firetrucks. Within a few hours my phone was ringing non-stop. Friends who attended college with him all calling me to make sure i knew. Knew what? I could not stop paging him (yes I said paging). hoping he call. Hoping that it just wasn't him. At the funeral the church was overflowing with people. When the path was right, Dan managed to positively influence a lot people. Unfortunately, at the funeral I learned that he was under many influences when he wrecked. He had two passengers in the car with him, and hit another car head on. Oh my sweet best friend ..... "I do not see my future". How that voice and his tone will forever ring in my brain. I will hear it no more.... when my own heart stops beating. I have my faith and my mother to thank for getting me through those horrible times after Dan died. Being hopeless, angry, confused. Looking back it seems as if it was all a tv show. his mother rushing to hug me, the song "Daniel" playing in the car on the way home, and me crying so hard that I felt like everything was moving in slow motion. If he had only known how many people loved him.... and how many people would miss him. And how much I STILL miss him. 15 years later.....
Life is so short and i have always been a believer in being NOTHING LESS than yourself with anyone you encounter. I learned that from Dan. I think about the friends I have now and how heart wrenching it would be to lose one. I know that when i think about Dan, the emotions of a 19 year old rush back. And i feel hopeless all over again. I want to go back to that last call with him and tell him I am on my way .... to fix things. I miss you, Daniel Wilson Berry! You will always be my best friend!
I know all too well the sorrow you feel. I lost my best friend when I was about 12.
Your post is one of several ways that we help to keep these friends alive. Thank you for sharing such a painful memory. If you ever need a friend you know my email.....
I couldn't even imagine it....
Hope your good memories keep your chin up!
Hey...just cheer-up :-) This way
I'm so sorry sweetie.... That's so sad.
But what a beautiful post. It shows what a loving person you are, and how much you gave.
hi friends .. I like this article very helpful for me,,,,
what about link exchange..??
Thank you for sharing, and for your honesty. You write really well. I appreciated your insights. Blessings, Debbye
I know what its like to lose a loved one. I just buried my dad one month today. He is the main reason I started blogging, just 2 days ago. I need a way to release whats going on inside. Im sorry for your loss, I understand.
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