I was trying to be something exciting and new for Halloween. But last year I MADE my costume (the belly dancer thing) so I have decided to go with my standard, I think. Especially since we will be going uptown to Alley Cat's for Fangtasia which is themed off of True Blood, so I will more than fit in!!
Although costumes have become a HUGE part of my social life the past few years. I have a group of friends who LOVE to make everything a theme and make everyone dress up ... which I love! I hate I don;t have pictures from the recent ones like the Wig and Mustache or Rock-a-billy.... DARN!
We have the white trash parties ....
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Halloween parties ..... ............................................................................. Toga Parties
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but my most favorite by far..... my VAMPIRE
I have done it a few times through the years, but there is just something about the black lipstick....teeth....goth look that I just love!!!! Only once a year :)
Happy Trick or Treating!!!